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Rubra Betta (pair)

Rubra Betta (pair)
Rubra Betta (pair)
Rubra Betta (pair)
Rubra Betta (pair)
Rubra Betta (pair)
Ex Tax: €60.97
  • Stock: Made To Order
  • Model: -
  • EAN: 4032974417115
Betta Rubra Description

Betta Rubra

The Betta Rubra is a distinctive and captivating species within the Betta fish family, known for its vibrant colours and dynamic behaviour. Native to Indonesia, particularly in the province of Aceh in Sumatra, this small freshwater fish is a favourite among aquarists who appreciate its unique characteristics and beauty.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Betta Rubra typically showcases a striking red or orange colouration, often with subtle hints of other hues depending on the lighting and environment.
  • They usually reach a size of about 5-6 cm, making them a suitable choice for smaller aquarium setups.

Habitat and Lifestyle:

  • In the wild, Betta Rubra is found in shallow, slow-moving streams and peat swamps, where the water is often acidic and tannin-stained.
  • They thrive in environments with plenty of hiding spots provided by plants, roots, and leaf litter.

Care and Aquarium Setup:

  • To mimic their natural habitat, a Betta Rubra aquarium should have soft, slightly acidic water with a pH range of 6.0-7.0 and a temperature between 24-28°C.
  • The tank should include a gentle filtration system to avoid strong currents and should be densely planted with areas for hiding and exploration.


  • These fish are carnivorous and prefer a diet consisting of live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms.
  • While they can adapt to high-quality dried foods, a varied diet is crucial for maintaining their health and vibrant colours.

Behaviour and Compatibility:

  • Betta Rubra, like many Betta species, can be territorial, especially males. They are best kept alone or with other peaceful and small fish species.
  • Care should be taken when housing them with other Betta Rubra or similar species to prevent aggression.


  • They are bubble nest builders. The male constructs a floating nest out of air bubbles and entices the female to spawn underneath it.
  • Post-spawning, the male takes responsibility for guarding the eggs and fry.

Health Considerations:

  • Consistent water quality is essential. Regular water changes and monitoring of water parameters are crucial to prevent diseases common to Betta fish.

Betta Rubra offers a delightful and engaging experience for aquarium enthusiasts, especially those interested in keeping a smaller, yet vibrant and active species.

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