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Electric Blue Jack Dempsey

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
Electric Blue Jack Dempsey
From €29.99
Ex Tax: €24.38
  • Stock: Made To Order
  • Model: -
  • EAN: 4011708260982

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Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid Description

Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid (Rocio octofasciata "Electric Blue")

Introducing the mesmerizing Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid, a stunning variant of the classic Jack Dempsey that captivates aquarists with its vibrant, electric blue coloration. This cichlid is not just a visual delight but also an interesting species to observe and care for in a home aquarium.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Boasts an eye-catching electric blue hue that covers its entire body, making it one of the most sought-after cichlids for aquarium enthusiasts.
  • Like its standard counterpart, it features a sturdy build and can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in captivity.
  • Its striking appearance is complemented by dark spots and patterns that add to its allure.

Natural Habitat:

  • While the natural habitat of the standard Jack Dempsey is in the warm waters of Central America, the Electric Blue variant is primarily bred in captivity.
  • They thrive in environments that mimic tropical freshwater conditions, with ample hiding spaces among rocks and plants.

Care and Aquarium Setup:

  • A minimum of 55 gallons is recommended for these cichlids, given their size and territorial nature.
  • The aquarium should include a variety of hiding spots using rocks, driftwood, and dense planting to provide shelter and reduce stress.
  • Water conditions should be kept within a temperature range of 72-86°F (22-30°C) and a pH of 6.5-7.5 to mimic their natural habitat as closely as possible.


  • The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey is omnivorous, requiring a balanced diet of meaty foods and plant-based nutrients.
  • Feed a mix of high-quality cichlid pellets, live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp and bloodworms, and vegetable supplements to maintain their health and color vibrancy.

Behaviour and Compatibility:

  • Known for their territorial behaviour, especially during breeding, they are best kept with fish of similar size and temperament.
  • While they can be aggressive, proper tank setup and management can help minimize conflicts.
  • Not recommended for beginner aquarists due to their specific care requirements and aggressive nature.

The Electric Blue Jack Dempsey Cichlid offers an extraordinary splash of colour and dynamic personality to the seasoned aquarist's tank, promising both a challenge and a rewarding experience.

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