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The Blue Diamond Discus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus), a vibrant and popular strain of discus fish, is a member of the cichlid family native to the slow-moving rivers of the Amazon basin. Known for its striking, solid blue coloration and graceful movements, the Blue Diamond Discus has become a favorite among aquarists due to its beauty, though it is considered a challenging species to care for, requiring pristine water conditions and specific care.
Physical Characteristics:
- Size: Blue Diamond Discus can grow to about 12-15 cm (5-6 inches) in diameter, though some individuals may reach up to 20 cm (8 inches) under optimal conditions.
- Body: The body is round and laterally compressed, giving the fish a disc-like shape, which is characteristic of all discus species. The Blue Diamond variety is known for its solid, iridescent blue color that covers the entire body, with no visible markings or patterns. This uniform coloration is one of its most distinguishing features.
- Fins: The dorsal and anal fins are long and extend toward the tail, giving the fish a streamlined yet elegant appearance. The fins also carry the same blue coloration, often with a slight translucent edge.
- Temperament: Blue Diamond Discus are peaceful and social fish, typically best kept in groups of at least 5-6 individuals. They are generally calm, but due to their sensitive nature, they can become stressed in environments with too much activity or aggressive tankmates.
- Schooling Behavior: While discus are often peaceful, they establish a social hierarchy within their group. More dominant individuals may occasionally chase or nip at others, but they are rarely aggressive enough to cause significant harm.
- Compatibility: Due to their peaceful nature, Blue Diamond Discus should be kept with other non-aggressive species. Ideal tankmates include tetras, Corydoras catfish, or small, peaceful cichlids.
Aquarium Care:
- Tank Size: Discus fish need ample space to swim and establish territories, so a tank size of at least 200 liters (50 gallons) is recommended for a small group of 5-6 fish. Larger tanks are better for long-term care and maintaining stable water parameters.
- Water Parameters:
- Temperature: Blue Diamond Discus thrive in warm water, with an ideal temperature range of 28°C to 30°C (82°F to 86°F). They are sensitive to cooler temperatures, which can stress them and make them prone to diseases.
- pH: The pH should be slightly acidic to neutral, ideally between 6.0 and 7.0.
- Water Hardness: Soft water is preferred, with a general hardness (GH) of 1-8 dGH.
- Tank Setup: A discus tank should replicate the slow-moving, warm waters of the Amazon River. This means providing plenty of open swimming space with areas of dense planting or driftwood for hiding. Low to moderate lighting is preferred, as discus fish can be sensitive to bright lights.
Water Quality:
- Discus are highly sensitive to water quality, so regular water changes (at least 25% weekly) are crucial to keeping them healthy. A well-maintained filtration system is essential, but the water flow should not be too strong, as discus prefer calm water.
Blue Diamond Discus are omnivores and require a varied diet to thrive. Their diet should include:
- High-quality pellets designed for discus such as Stendker Good Heart
- Frozen or live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia
- Occasionally, they can be fed finely chopped vegetables like spinach or peas to supplement their diet
Breeding Blue Diamond Discus can be challenging but rewarding. Discus are known to form monogamous pairs. When ready to breed, the pair will select a flat surface, like a broad leaf or piece of slate, where the female will lay eggs, and the male will fertilize them. The pair will carefully guard and fan the eggs until they hatch.
Once the eggs hatch, the fry feed off the mucus coating on their parents' bodies for the first few days. Afterward, they should be given finely crushed or liquid fry food until they can eat larger foods.
Special Considerations:
- Stress Sensitivity: Blue Diamond Discus are highly sensitive to changes in water parameters, stress, and poor water quality. Sudden fluctuations in pH or temperature, or exposure to aggressive tankmates, can lead to health problems such as fin rot, parasites, or fungal infections.
- Tank Maintenance: Regular cleaning of the tank, along with maintaining stable water parameters, is crucial for keeping these fish healthy. Overfeeding should be avoided to prevent water quality issues, as discus are prone to infection in polluted environments.